Growing cucumbers is a source of organic and healthy food. This is the reason why homeowners sow and grow their own cucumbers. There are many techniques on how to do this and we will talk about one of those techniques today.

Compost is very good for cucumbers because it provides the plant with organic nutrients. In addition, the soil with a lot of compost is very light so that the roots can develop quickly.

The use of compost for cucumbers has many nuances, so let’s understand this in detail.

What Compost Should I Use for cucumbers?

You should use only good-quality compost for growing cucumbers. It must be free of pests and diseases.

You can make it yourself or buy ready-made compost. Next, we will look at three types of compost. You can also grow cucumbers with hydroponic systems and if you are interested, take a look at the best ones.

Regular Compost

Regular compost is the most widely used type of compost. It is made from plant material that is usually obtained after the pruning of trees and shrubs.

If you decide to make your own compost, only use branches and leaves from healthy plants. Avoid using kitchen scraps.

To ensure that the compost is properly made, all layers need access to air. For this reason, do not cover the compost heap with anything. Also do not make the compost heap higher than 3 feet.


Recently, vermicompost has become more and more popular. It is a type of compost made with worms. It is more nutritious but a bit more difficult to make.

You can add almost anything to this compost. It can be plant debris from your garden or from farmland. Also, you can put kitchen scraps in it.

An indispensable component is worms. Unfortunately, ordinary earthworms are not suitable so you need to get red worms. This type of worms multiplies very quickly and can decompose large amounts of organic matter. The result is a great nutrient compost.

What does compost do for cucumbers?

Compost has a number of properties that improve the soil. This is the reason why it is increasingly being used to grow cucumbers. In general, even the most unsuitable soil can be improved with compost, so let’s understand what it does.

The first is that compost improves the structure of the soil. The fibers that are present in organic matter can make heavy soil looser and lighter.

This has a very good effect on the growth of the root system. Roots are much easier to grow in lighter soil, and the bigger the root system, the bigger the crop will be.

The second is water retention. The organic matter in the compost can quickly absorb a lot of water and hold it for some time. This is very good for improving sandy soil which dries out very quickly.

On the other hand, the soil improved by the compost is able to let the excess water through easily. This eliminates the problem of stagnant water. This property is especially useful if you have heavy clay soil.

Next is nutrients. Organic matter is able to slowly supply cucumbers with minerals and other elements for rapid growth. First and foremost is nitrogen, which is critical.

Compost is able to nourish the plant for several years, which is very handy. It also makes the soil slightly acidic, which avoids chlorosis.

How do you put compost on cucumbers?

The first thing you need to consider is when to apply the compost. The best time to do this is in the spring when you intend to plant cucumbers.

Simply pour one bucket of compost into the place where the cucumber will grow. Next, mix the compost well with the native soil. Repeat this for each plant, which means that each cucumber plant should grow in soil improved by one bucket of compost.

That’s it, now you can plant your cucumbers in a mixture of compost and native soil. In most cases, no additional fertilizer is necessary.

If your cucumbers are already growing but you want to add compost, it’s best to mulch the root zone with it. Just spread a 1-2 inch layer of compost around the cucumber stem. Avoid touching the soil near the cucumber as this can cause injury to the roots.

Also, avoid planting cucumbers in compost alone. This is because it is too acidic and nutritious. This can lead to overgrowth and weakening of the plant.